
Mother Faces 20 Years in Prison for Discipling her Children

Mother faces 20 years in prison for beating her sons who burglarized their neighbour's home

A mother from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 30 year old Schaquana Spears, who beat her young sons for stealing their neighbour's properties, has found herself in trouble with the law, and is now at the center of a US national debate over how she chose to discipline her children.
"I was being a mother who loves her kids, who wants to protect her kids, and steer them in the right direction."
Spears ran to her house after her neighbor told her that she had seen her kids burglarizing their other neighbour's home. Spears left work and ran home where she saw her children and some of their friends all carrying properties they had stolen. The friends ran out of the house but Spears was able to catch her 3 sons, aged 13, 12 and 10 and according to her, she whipped them with a belt. She also made them return the properties.

This kind of thing cannot happen in Africa. I wonder how they would jail her for disciplining her children who went to steal from a neighbours house. Can you imagine? Anyway please drop your comments below.

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