ibim seminitari

NDDC Scholarship Students in the UK Laments and Cries for Help

The 2015/2016 NDDC Scholarship Students in the UK Laments and Cries for Help

The 2015/2016 NDDC Scholarship students in the UK laments and cries for help as they suffer neglect of non payment of what they call "maintenance fee" which is payable to the students towards their upkeep (eg accommodation, feeding etc) after their school fees have been paid. According to some of the students, .."we thank the commission for paying our school fees but we have been awaiting the maintenance fee for many months now". This has distracted many of the students as they have to look for menial jobs to survive. "Many of us have had to borrow money from friends to offset our bills especially accommodation".. one of the students said.

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Mrs Ibim Semenitari
Some of the students also said that they have however heard several times from the commission that the process of the payment have started and that the students should exercise patience as their money will hit their accounts soon. But the students fear that this was several months ago and they have still not received anything. In their own words .."we plead with the commission under the capable leadership of Mrs Ibim Semenitari, the acting managing director of NDDC to look into the matter and expedite action as we are leaning on you for survival".

We just hope that this information gets to the appropriate quarters and a quick action is taken to abate the sufferings of these scholarship students.

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