father's day

The Idea Behind Fathers Day

The Idea Behind Fathers Day

Its a day of the year on which fathers are particularly honoured by their children. It was first observed in the state of Washington in 1910; in the US, South Africa, and Britain, it is usually the third Sunday in June, in Australia, the first Sunday in September.

The idea for Father's Day originated in the USA and has been officially celebrated there on the third Sunday in June since 1966.

This year Father's Day falls on Sunday, June 19 in the UK, as well as in a number of other countries around the world.

The exact origins of what we now know as Father’s Day are disputed, though we do know the movement for a day which celebrated fatherhood began roughly 100 years ago.

While in the UK fathers can expect, at best, a breakfast in bed and handmade card and, at worst, the day to be completely ignored, elsewhere the festival is done a little differently.

In Germany it is called Vatertag (Father’s Day) but is also sometimes known as Männertag (or men’s day).

In China, Father’s Day used to be celebrated on 8 August as the Chinese for eight is “ba”, while a colloquial word for father is “ba-ba” – so the eighth day of the eighth month sounds similar to “daddy”.

The day has since been moved to the third Sunday of June, in line with the UK, US, Nigeria and many other countries in the world.

Make sure you celebrate all the fathers in your life today. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. All those father's who have one way or the other contributed positively to your upbringing whether spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially is what celebrating today.

Drop a comment for that special father in your life.

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