More Christmas Gifts: Top Gifts For Women This Christmas


Flowers. Chocolates. These are the quintessential gifts for women that are fast becoming cliché.  Not to say that they are all bad (what, how can chocolate be bad?!) but they lack that personal touch that every woman values. Bearing in mind that women are highly emotional beings, stepping away from the stereotypical and giving gifts that have sentimental value would have to be a plus.

There are so many different types of women around us, each category having an appreciation for a particular class of materials a little more than others. To really achieve giving your gifts that personal touch, you have to acknowledge these preferences. I have compiled seven of the most popular types of women that revolve around our everyday lives, and some gift suggestions that are sure to leave them beaming with gratitude and appreciating you for being a thoughtful person.

  1. For the Boisterous/Extroverted Woman: We all know her; she is that fire ball of a woman that we can’t think of without grinning. Heels clicking in perpetual haste, eyes shining with perpetual mirth, perpetually surrounded by friends. She goes out a lot, and thrives on the admiration of others. Hence, she can never have enough accessories.  Stay away from the out-rightly gaudy items and get her something with understated class, something beautifully unique. Shoes, jewelry or even phone cases should do the trick.
  2. For the Quiet/Introverted Woman: Doesn’t talk or socialize much, always with a calm head atop her shoulders. Sometimes we ourselves fall into this category and just want to be left alone. At such times, nothing is more priceless than our earphones. You can never have enough earphones. Get her one that is tangle-free and has good sound quality and you would be the only one she thinks about that one time she doesn’t want to think about anyone.
  3. For the Housewife: To our mother or wife who chose to stay back at home and take care of her loved ones, we are eternally grateful. Especially to the ones who are laden with mischievous toddlers running her energy down. Help her regain that strength by making her resting time more relaxing. Silk beddings, a fluffy blanket, or even a humidifier would go a long way in keeping her in good spirits and you in her good books.
  4. For the Career Woman: Her life isn’t less stressful than the woman who stays keeping the home- with plenty of deadlines to meet and meetings to attend/organize. Devices that aid organization are a plus to this lady- such as the Zoom H1 audio recorder. Its smooth portability makes it easy for her to get her ideas and reminders down at the touch of a button. With a battery life than can record 10 hours of audio at a stretch, and it’s very modern minimalist design- she might just be caught singing Rihanna’s “where have you been, all my life?”
  5. For the Tomboy: She tends to despise all things stereotypically female, making gift shopping for her a little bit of a task. However, I have noticed that tomboys, just like every other woman, love their shoes just right, because they value their comfort as much as their identity. It would help to know their favourite colours before going ahead to buy the shoes. Air Forces Ones, Converses, Toms and Sperry’s all work fine.
  6. For the Military woman/ Woman-in-Uniform: Women in the military and those in uniform are on duty for most days in a year and don’t get some of the perks and benefits that grace the corporate world. They are also regimented in discharge of their duties and rarely exposed to trends and things that are fashionable. Who doesn’t want to own a fad? Hence, some smart devices will make good gifts for them. Smart phones may do, as well as tablet computers, e-book readers, and mini-laptops. Go all out for the woman that sacrifices herself for your country.
  7. For the Religious/Spiritual Woman: Her God is the most important being to her, so when giving gifts, think self-help books, religious DVDs, and things that aid in the reading/assimilating of these items. A highlighter or a colourful, religious themed book marker would be highly thoughtful.

So there they are; all compiled and broken down and made easy for you. Don’t forget to give me the credit when you receive your effusive bouts of gratitude. Remember, ‘tis the season to be jolly! Enjoy!!

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