7 Ways to Make This Christmas Memorable

photo source - home-designing dot com

photo credit: home-designing.com

Christmas can be so full of routine activities that we often neglect or forget to do those little things that will actually have impact and make Christmas more memorable and fun for us, our loved ones and the people around us. We can change that this Christmas, and to help you do just that, here is a list of seven things that when done, are sure to give you a Christmas worth remembering.

Love and Forgive

Christmas is a season of love and abundance, when loved ones come together in a spirit of togetherness. Learn to love and let go, you can’t share if you don’t love and you can’t love if you don’t forgive (let go). So forgive all that’s in the past and celebrate the present looking forward to a glorious future. That's how you should roll this Christmas.

Share with Strangers

There’s something about a gift you don’t expect, given by someone you didn’t expect it from. It doesn’t have to be something elaborate. Distribute gifts to people on the street or to hawkers and traders within your neighbourhood. It could be something little and cute like mugs, shopping baskets, colourful stickers, beverage, boxes of candy and chocolate etc. You could also visit an orphanage.

Have Alone Time to Pray and Reflect.

This period is a very sensitive one, where one can get easily carried away. Make time out to reflect, a time of taking stock of all that has happened from the beginning of the year till date. Thank God for all and pray for a better tomorrow; the coming year.

Change Your Looks

They say variety is the spice of life. So why not opt for a different appearance this season; change your wardrobe and add some colours to your collection. Also consider changing your hair style/cut to give you that total transformation. Several fashion discounts are available and you can take advantage of them.

Visit an Old Friend

This Christmas, you could surprise an old friend by visiting him/her; it could be a childhood friend, someone you haven’t seen in ages etc, just to put a smile on their face and catch up on old times. Such visits could be much more fun than you can ever anticipate.

Indulge Yourself a Little

What’s that “Perfect Christmas” fantasy that you’ve always had? Just do it. Go dancing, watch a movie, eat loads of chocolate and ice-cream, go to the beach or park, take a walk at night with a loved one, travel to your favourite location or visit your favourite relaxation spot, etc. Don’t hold back on that Christmas dream; make it a reality.


Now may be the perfect time to just tell that special someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with them. The season already gives you both a touch of euphoria and proposing could just be the perfect icing on the cake. Be bold; take that step this Christmas.

Normal can be boring; why not jump out of box and do things you’ve never done before? Have fun and stay blessed this season. God bless you. 

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